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Weekend Reading (11.08.13) – Week 2

11 Aug


Interesting read(or watch) from around the web on a multitude of topics!

The Unexpected Antidote to Procrastination (HBR, #gtd #behavior #selfhelp)

8 Things Productive People Do During the Workday (LinkedIN, #gtd #behavior #selfhelp #professional)

11 Ways to Instantly Simplify Your Life (Prolific Living, #motivation #inspiration #simplify #life)

Motorola Moto X Review (YouTube, #motorola #motoX #google #android)

The Day I Stopped Saying “Hurry Up” (HuffingtonPost, #parenting #living #life #enjoy)

Rebuilding on so many levels!

25 Mar

My last post here was on 4th January’13, I never imagined in my worst nightmare what happened in the days between 5-7 Janurary’13 and since then what has happened.

Things though far from normal, seems to be on track to at-least regaining 80-90% normalcy if not 100%. It may take a good many months, but then somethings are beyond our control.

Its been 3 months and 2 days since I came(23rd Dec’12) from Bangalore to Mumbai as my mom was admitted in hospital(19th December’12) and the diagnosis was yet to happen as to whats been ailing my mom past 5 months.

And then things started to unfold…one after another.

Started with Meningitis(caused by a very strong bacteria known as Listeria), then a type of Cancer(Non-Hodkins Lymphoma), then she went into Septic Shock and was in ICU for 6 days and during this she also got Pneumonia(caused by a again very strong bacteria called Klebsiella). This was followed by not one but 3 severe neuropathy condition – Peripheral Neuropathy, Radiculopathy, GB Syndrome.

Needless to say, our family has been going through hell and the hell like a blind tunnel at times doesn’t seem to end. How bad was it? Well let me say I pray everyday that not even 10% of what we have gone through should happen to my worst enemy.

Nothing is more disturbing  unsettling, traumatic than the health and seeing the suffering of your loved one, specially when its your parents and specially when its your mom.

The good thing is that here I am alive – more stronger, more resilient, more positive, more optimistic –  to tell all that what happened.

What has happened has happened, we cannot go back in time and undo all that…but what we can do is what in our hands. To rebuild, to regroup, to face it, to see what can be done, to see how we can best handle this, how we can come out of it and how we can continue to be positive, be full of hope and faith as we have always tried to be.

Except for prayers we are not looking for any help from anyone as frankly no one can understand, no one can feel, no one can empathize what we have got through. Only those who go through and see in front of them the suffering can feel the pain.

But yes prayers do have this magical power attached to them.  🙂

I do wish to chronicle some part if not all here on my blog, not to share my problems but may be to inspire others who may be going or who have gone through it.

I don’t have a structure in place yet, so lets see how the future posts look like…who knows I may even write a book on it! 🙂

Rear view mirror in car is smaller as its utility is limited. Such is life! No point looking back…

…Onwards to rebuilding…Onwards to a better tomorrow…Onwards to a better life…in myriad colors and shades.

Life is what we make of it…regardless of the situation.



Fantastic Read : The Twelve Most Important Lessons I’ve Learned So Far

3 May

Great post by Tony Schwartz !

Few excerpts :

1. The more we know about ourselves, the more power we have to behave better. Humility is underrated. We each have an infinite capacity for self-deception — countless unconscious ways we protect ourselves from pain, uncertainty, and responsibility — often at the expense of others and of ourselves. Endless introspection can turn into self-indulgence, but deepening self-awareness is essential to freeing ourselves from our reactive, habitual behaviors.

2. Notice the good. We each carry an evolutionary predisposition to dwell on what’s wrong in our lives. The antidote is to deliberately take time out each day to notice what’s going right, and to feel grateful for what you’ve got. It’s probably a lot.

3. Let go of certainty. The opposite isn’t uncertainty. It’s openness, curiosity and a willingness to embrace paradox, rather than choose up sides. The ultimate challenge is to accept ourselves exactly as we are, but never stop trying to learn and grow.

4. Never seek your value at the expense of someone else’s. When we’re feeling devalued, our reactive instinct is to do anything to restore what we’ve lost. Devaluing the person who made you feel bad will only prompt more of the same in return.

To read the remaining go here!

Useful Read : The One Barrier to Your Success

17 Jan


Darren Hardy who is the publisher of Success Magazine is a very active blogger on personality-development/self-growth and regularly turns out very useful posts! His latest one in particular seems to hit the nail on his head. Check it out!



Life Refreshed!

3 Jan

First things first –

I truly hope the new year is better in all forms for the entire human race! Its in everyone’s interest that we all grow and do well in all aspects of our life!

Having said that I believe at the end of the day its in our hands to make it happen or at-least make an honest effort and I have no doubt it will not go in vain. You reap what you sow and in this life only!

January is a great time to plan things for the year ahead. Its time to refresh your life and start afresh…seriously! If you have had a great year overall, it will be easy to gain momentum and making sure 2012 is even better! If the year 2011 left a lot to be desired, well here is the good news…now is the time to move on! You have a clean canvas to paint a new picture as you want it!

So whats the thing you hear the most in the new year?

Its called new year resolutions!!! Everyone seems to have them or pretend to have them and almost everyone forgets it past the first week of January!

Frankly, I have never made them so I cant say whether it works or not, but am very keen to have one this year. Or rather at-least list out the things I want to accomplish in the coming year.

I have yet to finish the list, but I came across an article by Harvey Mackay which should be a good guideline to keep in mind while creating one.

To give you a brief about the article :

Making a New Year’s resolution is like setting any other type of goal.  You have to choose wisely if you want to achieve something significant.  Remember that a good resolution, like a solid goal, usually has a few definable characteristics:

  • Focus.  Set a definite target:  “Lose 10 pounds by June” is better than “Lose some weight.”
  • Challenge.  Your resolution should be neither too difficult, nor too easy.
  • Commitment.  Share your resolutions with others.  That will help you work on them.
  • Presence.  Write down your resolutions in detail, and post your list where you’ll see it often.
  • Vision.  Visualize the results you want to achieve every day.

So welcome and embrace the new year like never before and let this be a year which will turn your life around!

Stay happy, stay healthy!
